How to control our instincts when dating

Deep down, you have an internal power that can help you navigate the dating process. It’s called your intuition. It can be a gut feeling, an instant knowing, or a hunch.

After each date, pay attention to how you feel in their presence. Do you feel like you ‘lit up’ in their presence or do you just want to get out of there as fast as possible?

1. Know Yourself

We’ve all been told to trust our gut feelings in relationships, but what does that actually mean? Your intuition is a direct channel between your brain and gut that has the power to make decisions. Studies have shown that people who listen to their intuition make more confident and accurate decisions in the long run.

Essentially, your intuition is an internal ‘super power’ that lets you know if someone or a situation is healthy for you. It can be a first impression, an instant knowing, or just a hunch. The key is to not overthink it because that will skew your decision-making. Start by dating yourself and learn to trust your initial good or bad feelings.

2. Listen to Your Instincts

Gut instincts are like your inner compass that tells you when something isn’t right. While it may be easy to disregard the voice of your intuition, doing so can have disastrous results.

It isn’t enough to just “trust your gut,” you must learn how to listen to your instincts in order to control them. This involves quieting your mind and listening to that little voice inside of you.

It also means avoiding those negative what-ifs, which can often be the result of overthinking. Rather, take the time to notice any red flags that appear with someone and see how your gut feeling is affected by those warning signs. This is the best way to see whether your intuition is really speaking to you or not.

3. Take Your Time

We’ve all heard the phrase “trust your gut” and “listen to your instincts.” This is advice that sounds logical and could be beneficial if we took the time to analyze the situation correctly.

Taking your time is a simple way to avoid being swept away or progressing too fast in a relationship. It also allows you to take a step back and see the person as they are without making any rash decisions that you might later regret.

When we get too caught up in someone, we can quickly turn to fantasies or expectations and speed up the relationship to match those desires. This is a mistake and can lead to big problems down the road. For example, rushing into having children or marriage before really getting to know the person can have disastrous consequences.

4. Don’t Listen to Others

There’s a lot of advice out there to trust your gut when dating. This is a good idea in theory, but in practice it can lead to disaster.

This is because gut feelings often share the same physical sensations as anxiety, so it’s easy to mistake them for each other. This can cause you to ignore red flags that are flying high, like a potential partner lying about their past relationship or job.

Instead of relying on your gut, listen to your emotions and needs. For example, if someone consistently fails to meet your needs, that’s a sign that they may not be right for you. Similarly, if you feel like you’re being stalked by your date, that’s an indication they aren’t interested in you.

5. Don’t Rush

When you are in a relationship, it is important to pay attention to your instincts. If you are ignoring them, it is a sign that you are rushing into your relationship.

One of the most common signs that you are rushing into a relationship is when you ignore red flags. These can be warning signs about your partner’s past relationships, their communication style, or other things that may cause you to feel uncomfortable.

Another way to avoid rushing into a relationship is to take time for yourself. This can include maintaining your hobbies, interests, and spending time with other friends and family members. If you are unable to stop rushing into a relationship, it is important to communicate your concerns with your partner. This will help you to build a healthy and long-lasting relationship.